I am bogged down with back up work and I'm miserable. Yes it is a week after the semester's end and yes, I am still writing papers. Fortunately, do the emotional toil I have incurred because of my family crisis my professors are understanding. Anyways, I was taking a break from writing and I decided to flip through the January issue of Vogue. I've had it for two weeks and I've still yet to really go through it. Items of note: a fierce pair of nude Loboutins, a doting profile on Ivanka Trump whom I personally believe to be one of the flyest women on the planet (her low-key status simply adds to her flyness) and this partcularly Rolex ad.

It features 76 year old legendary model Carmen Dell' Orefice with sexy tousled silver hair and a mean kohl-lined eye. The message: "class is forever". Carmen truly has eternal grace. I had to post the ad because this is a mantra for us to live by. Trends fall like perky breasts, but a woman that swears by sophistication, and taking good care of her mind, body, and soul will always be a femme fatale.
Flyness and funk,
You are right in that that is the most striking fashion ad of the year. But that "50-something" woman is actually pushing 80. Her name is Carmen Dell'Orefice, and she has been modeling since the '40s. Every important fashion photographer of the past 50 years has shot her. Incredible.
oh wow, thank you, I was trying to figure out her name. Just another attestment to her incredible beauty. I was off by 3 decades!!!!
I just stumbled in here in casually searching for this woman's identity after seeing that same striking ad in a Departures magazine I'd swiped from the dentist's office. mesmerizing.
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